Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Hand bags

Another thing I did today. Will make this a quick post and mainly just add the photos as you can really see what I did through them. 

As you can see from the before shot my handbag storage was a little cubby hole at the end of our wardrobe cupboards. The only problem with this was that I had to pull everything out to find what I wanted and I would often (always) just leave them strewn half way across the floor - as you can see below:

We had one of these wardrobe space-saving hangy thingies that I stopped Ben from throwing out a few months ago, and I'm SOOOO glad I stopped him because its PERFECT for this. Fits perfectly right at the end of the spare room wardrobe (as you can see, my littlest child Lala is admiring my hanging skills):

I love the way I can access anything I want without having to pull out the whole lot. I also grouped the bags by type. 

At the top I have my daytime/summery type bags. 3 Animal bags, which I love and always rotate back to eventually. Then 2nd shelf down, my expensive(ish) leather handbags. 

Next shelf down my evening bags. Then under that purses. As you can see there is plenty of room on that shelf for a few more things. I just haven't decided what yet. 

Then under that (2nd from the bottom) all my toilettries bags. 
Lastly, my large summery-type bags and beach bags. 

 Finally at the very bottom under the shelf I put my blue Estee Lauder carry bag (freebie - very useful size). 

Was very pleased with how this turned out. 

Just to recap. Before:

 And after:

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