Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Am kicking myself (again) that I don't have a BEFORE photo. But will try to explain it:

Our coats and things used to be hung up in the hall to the left as you come in the front door. I found the coats got a bit overwhelming and the hall was always very cluttered. 

This is what we did....

We put hooks up to the right of the door (these used to be in the nursery which is now my office): One set of hooks for the kids bags and scarves. 

We (the royal "we" - ie, my husband, as I wouldn't know a drill if it poked me in the eye) moved the coat hooks to the other side of the hall: 

I put some boxes on the floor. The big one is for shoes, the middle one is for hats and the smaller one is for gloves. This system works really well. Joshua, aged 3 and a bit, now knows where to put things. Although he still throws things on the floor sometimes!

I may have to reorganise for summer. What would I need? a box for summer hats, maybe suncream..... maybe a day out bag that we can just grab on the way out of the house.... hmmmm food for thought. 


  1. ooooh i'm gonna nick your shoe basket idea - sick of shoes being lobbed in my under stair cupboard and never being able to find a matching pair!

  2. fab. go for it. Tag me in the pic!!!
