Wednesday, July 4, 2012


What is on my mind at the moment is laundry. 

My entire laundry system is in a total mess at the moment. Having just got back from two week's holiday in turkey we're not yet back in the swing of things (if we ever were). This is our current situation with regards to laundry:

As we are a family of four (two small children, one of which is only just toilet trained and the other who has just about (ish) got the hang of using a fork/spoon. So suffice to say that we get through quite a lot of laundry. 

Our washing machine is in the utility room/dog room downstairs just off the kitchen. We have a large laundry basket upstairs in the hall, but for convenience I also have a small basket in the kids room so that dirty clothes can be immediately separated from possible clean clothes that might have been got out of the drawers by the smallest child or just left on the floor by one of the boys (my son or hubby). I also DID have a cheap ikea laundry basket in the kitchen (sometimes it lived in the sitting room) and a basket in our ensuite bathroom, but the one in the kitchen got sat on by the dog (don't know how she managed that) and the one that I had in the bathroom was moved downstairs for something else - I think its now our shoe basket. Another challenge I have is that our plastic laundry baskets have both been chewed by the dog. 

I am dying to put in place a new shiny system to help me keep on top of the laundry which always seems to get me down. This is my plan:
  1. Replace ensuite bathroom laundry basket with a nice wicker type one
  2. Replace broken kitchen laundry basket
  3. By replacement plastic laundry baskets (3 or even 4) - if they stack they would not get in the way
  4. Convert area of spare room into laundry processing area
    • This would involve some kind of unit with spaces for drawers or baskets
    • The unit would also preferably have a flat surface where I can fold clothes
Here are some things I found on the internet that caught my eye and got my inspiration juices flowing! 


  1. Well done Abi, good luck dog-proofing the utility room (might be best to shut the baskets away in cupboards), and don't forget to take your before, during and after photos!

    Lakeland do some good laundry products including baskets like the ones in your photos -

    Maybe try colour-coding the baskets - these fold-up fabric ones from Ikea have a handle so are easy to pull out -

    And remember to label everything with one of your lovely tags.

  2. Hi Cherry. Its actually only the washing machine that is in the dog room. I don't have room for my basket system in there. My plan is to put it in the spare bedroom as I have some space in there (once I've cleared out some stuff that has just been dumped there). Good ideas there. Thanks for that. I'll check out your links too. Thank you for commenting.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. (sorry re-posting as the links too wayyy too much space.)

    WOW how much laundry storage??
    With a baby and toddler we have:
    1 of these double laundry baskets (argos: 832/5282) on the landing. All dirty washing goes in it. the 'darks' fill quickly so a wash (or 2) gets done every day.
    The whites tend to only need doing once a week.

    Once clean we have 4 of these large buckets (not sure what size) (amazon: GORILLA TUB LARGE) in various colours. everyone has their own. Once full we put the clothes away.

    The only thing we currently iron is hubbys work stuff (which he does).

    Hope that helps.

  5. Don't worry about links taking too much space in future. I don't mind. But I was emailed ur original post so I got them anyway. LOVE the flexi bucket things. Might have to get some of those.
