Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Fly Lady Babysteps Day 3

Today's Fly Lady babystep instruction is:

I didn't do the first one first thing this morning. I didn't have time for a shower so just threw on yesterday's tracky bottoms and the first vest I could get my hands on before I had to get the kids dressed and head to drop my son at nursery. When I got back after I had a friend come round to visit, I managed to steal 15 minutes to have a shower. I did a proper clean up job - shaved legs, washed and conditioned hair.... brushed teeth and got dressed - in jeans and a top. I felt SO much better.

Number two I've just made a start on. My kitchen had become a tip again so I've cleared surfaces, filled dishwasher up (after emptying it), washed up. I have yet to put washing up away and empty and clean and shine my sink. But I'll get to it.


  1. Good Morning Abi! I understand the overwhelming feelings you are having. It is not easy managing such a full life... husband, kids, business, house, etc. The clutter and mess can just put you over the top. I moved to North Carolina three months ago and have been living in a house under renovation... it has been such an emotional drain it is unbelievable! Hang in there, one good clean and you will feel so much better... then just keep up with the schedule (which I may also use)... and then have a cup of tea (everything feels better after that). I hope you are happy and loving your life my friend. Barbara Stevenson

  2. So lovely to hear from you Barbara. xxxxx
