Saturday, February 25, 2012

Toy storage

I'm not being paid to say this, honest, but Ikea is the BEST for storage solutions. 

The kids toys were previously being stored in a large chest box that my parents gave us. Its beautiful. They painted it and decorated it with a lovely picture. See below:

Obviously, there was no chance of us getting rid of this as its such a beautiful box and keepsake so its gone in Joshua's bedroom. 

At the time, this is what I had wanted for the sitting room. I thought it would work well as its a box (we could just chuck everything in at the end of the day) and we could use it as a coffee table too when we had guests. Unfortunately as JJ got older, it became harder and harder to keep it organised. The type of toys a one year old has are quite different to what a 3 year old has - lots of smaller things, small cars which always fell to the bottom of the box and we had to dig through to find his favourite little Lightening McQueen car. And then when his little sister came along it became even harder to manage. 

This is what it would look like after organising it:

But it would never stay that way for long. 

One day we decided to bite the bullet and go to Ikea to get something that would be easier to keep organised!

This is what we got:

This is how we organised all the drawers:

And we got this for top (it doesn't look like this now as it seems to have become a bit of a dumping ground for stuff. Will have to sort that out at some point!!!

I think I might make labels for the drawers although we haven't really needed them to keep it organised. Its pretty much still as organised as the day we put it all together - although we did move some of them around - so that the drawer with the fruit is at the bottom so Lala can get to them. It works so much better. 

We also got a bigger TV around the same time that goes up on the wall and gives us a lot more space so overall the effect is much better. The only thing the toy storage DOESN'T do is pick up all the toys at the end of the day. I still have to do that myself sadly!

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