I've had a bit of a play with the blog and made it a bit prettier. I felt it needed a bit of a facelift. I do have plans for a whole new purpose designed website/blog but that is going to take a while and then once the graphics are done I'll have to either figure out the new wordpress site out or rely on a very kind friend to put it all together and tweak it for me. So for now, this will give me the fresh start that I feel I need right now.
I felt a bit like I needed a fresh start too. I've been off work for a month with depression on my doctor's orders. I'm back at work as of this week but I'm still struggling somewhat with day to day tasks and my emotions but I'm definitely better than I was.
I haven't had the energy to focus on my blog / business plans at all in the last month as I spent most of it either sleeping or just trying to relax (and stay somewhat in control of the housework). But I'm starting to think about it again. I did do a few little relaxing bits of organising and creating while I was off and have gathered together the photos in folders so I hope to put them into blog posts in the next few days.
I hope you like the new blog look. Please do leave a comment if you would like to. I'd love to hear from you.